Saturday, October 18, 2008

October 17, 2008

Weigh In

The scale is still moving. I have dropped a few more pounds and am down to 168.5. My goal is to be 166 by Halloween and 153 by Christmas. I am pretty sure that I can meet the Halloween goal, but I am going to have to really work to meet my Christmas goal.

This week on Wednesday (10-15-08) my doctors office sent off the paperwork to the insurance company to see if I will be approved for a Panniculectomy. I have been doing some research on the cost if it is not covered by insurance and I must say that I was pleasantly surprised by the cost. I thought that it would be about $25,000 and it is less than half that.

Also, on 11-13-08, I meet with a doctor to discuss a Breast Reduction. I know that many people feel that my Breasts are much smaller than they used to be and in some cases they are correct. I have lost about 10 inches around, however the cup size has not gotten any smaller and this is the part that I really want to be much smaller. It is very difficult and very painful for me to run, but I enjoy it so much that I am willing to put up with the pain. I officially have scars now from where the 3 bras (yes you read that correctly - 3 bras) that I wear for running have cut into my skin.

I am not sure if I mentioned it before of not, but I am currently in a competition at work to see who can run the most miles from 9-1-08 to 10-31-08. So far I have run 90.7 miles during this time frame. I am not in the lead, but i am also not in last. I am currently about 21 miles behind the leader. I know this sounds like a lot and it is, but it is not doable.

Well, I have a lot to do today, so I am going to check out for now. I will continue to keep you updated on the results from the insurance company, the progress on my weight loss, and the running competition.