Monday, January 14, 2008

January 14, 2008

OK, I am in a bit of pain tonight. I went to my first ever spinning class and let me tell you, it was tough. The class is an hour long and I stopped after 35 minutes, because I forgot my purse at work and had to go back and get it before it got to late. Trust me, when I say that I am sooo happy that I forgot my purse at work and had to leave class early. It was a blessing in disguise.

I also went out and bought myself a step aerobics board today and it came with 3 DVD's. I can't wait to try them. Step Aerobics is one of my favorite classes, however it is $4.50 per class and George either has to come back and pick me up or we have to drive seperate cars.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

January 12, 2008

Ok, I have been very bad at posting new updates and staying on top of this, however I have been out of town on a business trip. I know that is not a very good excuse, but it is true. I weighed in this morning and was pleasantly surprised to see that I actually lost weight, which was surprising since I ate out for every meal while traveling. This morning my current weight is 189. I have lost 4.5 pounds since last week. Please keep in mind that I had Gastic Bypass Surgery so the amount of weight that I lose in a week will be much greater than that of others and also with less effort. I am 54 pounds away from the target weight that my doctors would like me at, however I am 10 pounds lighter than the target weight that I set for myself.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

January 3, 2008

Today, I will continue on my journey to a healthier life style. I had Gastric Bypass July 13, 2006 and to date I have lost 133 pounds. I have 58.5 more pounds to lose. My current weight is 193.5 and my goal weight is 135. I hope to accomplish this my July 2008.