Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wednesday 7-9-08

Last night I started running again. I have not been able to run for about a month, due to other activities that I had going on in the evenings. I thought that it would be hard to get back into it, but it was not that bad. I was able to run for 6 minutes straight. I realize that this does not sound like a great amount of time, but for me I think that it is fantastic. I am going to try for at least 7 minutes tonight. The biggest issue that I find that is making it hard for me to go longer periods is my lungs. I feel like they are being crushed. I think that it may be lack of water and also the fact that I have not fully taught myself to breath properly when running. I know you are probably thinking, what taught yourself to breath while running, this should be natural and the body should do it on its own, but trust me it does not. I am going to start out tonight with my camel pack to see if that helps with the lack of water. I am only able to drink little sips at a time, so I am hoping that this will help. I will check back in tomorrow and let you know how this works.

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