Saturday, November 29, 2008


OK, so on 11-19-08 I had my surgeries. The procedures started at about 12:30 / 1:00 p.m. and lasted until about 9:00 p.m. The surgeries went really well. I am extremely happy with the work that both doctors completed. In total they took 14.14 pounds of excess skin off. What a difference to have that much skin removed.

The only major complication that I had was that my blood pressure was way to low. Prior to surgery it was 80/53 (yes that is correct). After surgery my blood pressure got even lower do to all the blood that I lost, so I had to have a blood transfer, because each time I tried to get up I would basically pass out. After the blood transfer I was able to get up and move to the restroom. YIPPY!!! I went home Friday night and have been sleeping in the recliner in the guest room. G has been really nice and he has been staying in the guest room with me, even though it is killing his back. Today, was the first day that I was able to lay in the guest bed without being in severe pain. I must say that I have been extremely impressed by how much pain I have not felt. I think that I over psyched myself into believing that this was going to be the worst pain that I have ever felt in my entire life and I really think that the Gastric Bypass pain was worse. It maybe possible that I felt that the pain from the GB was worse, because I was so limited in what I was able to do because of my size. This time I could actually move around and kind of take care of myself.

I still am very limited in what I am able to do, no lifting of anything more that 5 pounds for 3 weeks and no lifting anything more than 10 pounds for 6 weeks. This part is killing me. I feel so helpless. G has to do everything, including the dishes. I did feel pretty good the other day and I actually washed a few (6 to be exact) glasses.

I was cold before these surgeries and now I am even colder. G is really nice and takes my blanket and puts it in the dryer to warm it up and then he covers me. What a guy!!!

I go back to work on Tuesday (12-2-08). I can hardly wait. I miss seeing everyone and being able to interact with humans. I never realized how much my butt could hurt from doing nothing but laying around all day.

OK, now to change the subject. Our dog (NaKya) is very sick. I thought that she has been acting strange for a little while, but G took her to the vet the other day and she has cancer in her bones and in her lungs. The vet figures that she has about 4 - 8 weeks left and this was about 2 weeks ago. She is on some pretty heavy pain medication and she still seems to be uncomfortable. We are going to put her down. This breaks my heart, because she truly is a wonderful part of our family. Many people have suggested that we should think about getting another pet and I really do not think that I am ready for another pet. It is so hard to lose a part of your family and I have had to do this a lot in the past with our pets, so I think that I will take a break.

Well, I have rattled enough for now. I am going to go and watch some more TV (what an exciting life I am leading at the moment - NOT).

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